Iron Man: U.S. military will begin testing the armor TALOS
1:59 AM
Reviews, Technology
Navy admiral says that testing will begin in the third quarter of this year

For some time already circulating on the network information that the U.S. military is working on a new dress for their soldiers . Known as TALOS (or Light Operator Tactical Assault Suit ) , it will have its first prototypes ready for testing in the third quarter of this year.
The information was given by William McRaven , Navy Admiral , during a conference in Washington on Tuesday ( 11 ) . The idea is that if all go according to plans , it is ready for use by soldiers in August 2018.
" This dress , if done correctly , will introduce a revolutionary improvement in survival and capacity for special operations," McRaven said .
There are currently 56 corporations , 16 government agencies , 13 universities and 10 national laboratories working in the garment. If everything works correctly, it will have as main characteristic the possibility of allowing its user to walk in the direction of some bullets without getting hit .
The information was given by William McRaven , Navy Admiral , during a conference in Washington on Tuesday ( 11 ) . The idea is that if all go according to plans , it is ready for use by soldiers in August 2018.
" This dress , if done correctly , will introduce a revolutionary improvement in survival and capacity for special operations," McRaven said .
There are currently 56 corporations , 16 government agencies , 13 universities and 10 national laboratories working in the garment. If everything works correctly, it will have as main characteristic the possibility of allowing its user to walk in the direction of some bullets without getting hit .