How to Add Twitter Followers Gadget To Blogger

This Gadget displays your last 10 Twitter followers in the sidebar of your blog, so you can besides showing thumbnails of followers you can also encourage your readers to follow you on Twitter. Furthermore the Gadget is also very beautiful so it can increase your blog more causing your sidebar is more attractive, to add just follow the tutorial below.

1 - Go to Blogger dashboard (

2 - Go Layout/Design-> Add Gadget> HTML / Java Script

3 - Now add the following code as content:

<div class="textwidget">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><div id="twitterfanbox">
<script type="text/javascript">fanbox_init("User");</script></div>
width: 290px !important; /* Largura do gadget */
height: 250px !important; /* Altura do gadget */
 Note: In red substitute your Twitter username, example Technolsoft

4 - Save changes and view.